Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Columbus Marathon Completed!

 It was an amazing day!
"Let Madison run with the wind..."
Check out this video and make sure you watch it all the way to the end to see Madison cross the finish line! You don't want to miss it!

Congratulations to Team Miracle on completing the 1/2 and full marathon!
Special thanks to Nick Dew for choosing Team Miracle to run for and raise money for SMA research.
Michelle Worrellia and Madison Reed

Shannon Sidelinger

Heather Rosbrugh and Doug Dye

Thank you to all our volunteers, family, friends and researchers who came out to support Mile 26 and cheer on the runners!

Thank you to all those who have made donations so far. We are trying to reach $5000 so that Annette and Madison can reveal pictures of their hair after shaving and cutting it off. Madison is donating her hair to Wigs For Kids for the 3rd time. Donations can be made here until December 31, 2013.



Friday, October 18, 2013

Madison Reed has been selected as a Patient Champion for MIRACLE MILE 26 of the Columbus Marathon October 20th, 2013

 Run Wild and Never Look Back with Team MIRACLE! 
Madison has been selected as a Patient Champion for Miracle Mile 26 of the Columbus Marathon. We will have a tent stationed at Goodale Park (Goodale and Park St.) spreading SMA awareness. Aunt Michelle is running the 1/2 marathon and Madison will join her at mile 13 and roll with her to the finish line. After that Madison has decided to cut off her long beautiful hair and donate it for the 3rd time to Wigs For Kids. Mom Annette is going to SHAVE off her hair in support of all those who look different. Please give them extra courage and strength by making a donation here and continue to advance ground breaking SMA research at Nationwide Children's Hospital in the Kaspar Lab. 

Read the article published in the Dublin News here! Look for Madison in the Columbus Dispatch this weekend.

Come on out Sunday October 20th, 2013 and help us cheer on the Columbus marathon runners from MIRACLE MILE 26 and help give them that extra push to the finish line.

Visit our facebook page for more exciting news and updates!
Don't forget to make a DONATION!

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